IRS Direct simplifies tax filing, saves money

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Jean Ross is a senior fellow for economic policy at the Center for American Progress. She wrote this for

If there’s one thing we should be able to agree upon, it’s that everyone should pay the taxes they owe without having to pay for the privilege of doing so. This year, for the first time, residents of 12 states who file simple tax returns can file online for free using the IRS’s new Direct File portal.

Thanks to funding from the Inflation Reduction Act and as part of an ambitious modernization effort, this new public tool makes tax filing faster, easier and cheaper for eligible filers. The IRS wisely started small, piloting Direct File in four states — Arizona, California, Massachusetts and New York — each agreed to implement an integrated option for filing their state tax return and eight states without a state income tax. Similarly, eligibility for Direct File is limited to filers with certain types of income who don’t itemize their deductions — people with wage and salary income from an employer, Social Security benefits, modest interest income and unemployment insurance.

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