Save money by saving our local environment

With widespread calls to shift infrastructure in the direction of more sustainable practices, many people may be asking: What’s in it for me? While it may seem like shifting toward environment-friendly practices could prove to be costly and burdensome, the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 offers an alternative perspective.

The Inflation Reduction Act granted $40 billion in loan authority and functions to incentivize shifts toward sustainable energy. People can begin to do exactly what my organization, Wisconsin’s Public Interest Research Group, says in our campaign: “Save Money, Save the Environment.”

As a resident of Madison, I have experienced the dramatic effects that climate change has had on the city firsthand. Whether it is the 60 degree “winter” days or the more recent April blizzards, it is abundantly clear that the climate is becoming increasingly unstable. It is time for people (not just government officials) to take accountability for their impacts on the environment — and save money doing it.

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I invite residents of Wisconsin to join the initiative that WISPIRG is taking with “Save Money, Save the Environment” and tackle climate change by promoting clean, renewable sources of energy and improving energy efficiency in homes, buildings and vehicles.

Owen Rosengarden, Madison

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